About Us

Revitalize Your Mind and Body with Yogability


title-icon-before Our Mission And Vision title-icon-after

Strive to create a world where every workplace prioritizes the well-being of their employees.

Empower individuals to make positive lifestyle changes.


title-icon-before About Founder title-icon-after

Dr. Smita Gautam is founder of our corporate wellness co. and a renowned expert in wellness. She combines natural therapies and modern medical practices to help individuals and organizations achieve optimal health and well-being. Her unique approach focuses on the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, promoting a balanced lifestyle as essential for optimal health. Dr. Gautam has worked with several corporate clients, including Fortune 500 companies, developing innovative wellness programs that are accessible, effective, and sustainable. She is committed to making wellness accessible to all and empowering individuals to take charge of their health for a happier, healthier world.


title-icon-before Professional Experience of Dr.Smita Gautam title-icon-after

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Years of Experience

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Hours Sessions

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title-icon-before Our Approach title-icon-after

As a Corporate Wellness Company, we follow our HEALTH framework to design a successful wellness program for businesses, which includes following steps

Holistic Assessment: Assess employees’ needs and preferences for wellness activities.

Before designing a wellness program, it is important to assess the needs and preferences of the employees. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or other forms of feedback. The assessment should help identify the specific health and wellness concerns of the employees, as well as their interests and preferences for wellness activities.

Establish Goals: Set specific and measurable goals that align with overall business objectives.

Based on the assessment, we set specific goals for the wellness program. The goals would be measurable and realistic, and would align with the overall business goals of the company. For example, the goals may include reducing absenteeism, improving productivity, or lowering healthcare costs.

Activities Planning: Plan activities that address identified needs and goals.

The next step is to plan the specific activities and initiatives that will be included in the wellness program. This may include fitness classes, nutrition education, stress management workshops, and other wellness activities. The activities would be designed to address the specific needs and goals identified in the assessment.

Launch Program: Launch the program through effective communication and promotion.

Once the activities have been planned, the objectives of the programs should be communicated to the identified employees in a clear and engaging way to ensure to encourage participation.

Track and Evaluate: Track participation rates and evaluate program effectiveness.

After the program has been implemented, it is important to track and evaluate its effectiveness. This will involve collecting feedback from employees, tracking participation rates, and measuring outcomes such as reduced healthcare costs or improved productivity. The evaluation would help identify areas for improvement and inform the design of future wellness programs.

Health Coaching: Offer individualized health coaching services to employees.

During the course of program, we would offer individualized health coaching services to employees, providing them with personalized support and guidance to help them achieve their health and wellness goals.

title-icon-before Program Delivery title-icon-after


  • Discover the benefits of wellness from the comfort of your own home or office with our virtual corporate yoga classes
  • Our passionate and experienced instructors provide live encouragement and guidance to help you feel your best, no matter your level of experience
  • Sessions range from 30 to 90 minutes, with classes for every schedule and level
  • Our virtual format allows you to feel the energy of a live session without leaving the comfort of your own space
  • Join us for unlimited motivation and wellness, all delivered virtually through our easy-to-use platform


In Person

  • Experience the benefits of wellness firsthand with our in-person corporate yoga sessions
  • Our experienced and passionate instructors bring the energy of live yoga to your workplace or event
  • Sessions can be customized to fit your schedule and needs, with classes for every level
  • Build a culture of wellness in your workplace
  • Contact us today to schedule an in-person corporate yoga session and start feeling the benefits of wellness for yourself


title-icon-before Success Stories title-icon-after

At Dr. Smita’s corporate wellness company, we believe that our work speaks for itself. We take pride in the impact we have on the lives and well-being of employees and the positive changes we bring to businesses. Here are some success stories from our satisfied clients.

title-icon-before Programs Conducted at title-icon-after

Dr. Smita’s corporate wellness company has had the pleasure of conducting programs with a variety of businesses and organizations to improve the health and well-being of their employees. Here are some of the companies we have had the privilege of engaging with.


title-icon-before Latest Blog Post title-icon-after

Blog Posts to Enhance the Human Experience


Maximizing the Benefits of International Yoga Day 2023: A Guide for HR Professionals

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